March does not ask. It moves with us.
I do not read the stars. I listen with them.
The Virgo Lunar Eclipse on March 14 has been moving through me since February, shaping my days, my thoughts, my body before I even had the words to name it.
It is not just something I am witnessing.
It is something I am embodying.
Creation is the energy of three. Birth, becoming, remembering.
The eclipse will happen in Aries at the creator degree, amplifying this rhythm. Not just in the sky, but within us.
Today, I felt this deeply. Not as an idea, but as something lived.
The universe spoke through scent, sensation, synchronicity, and choice.
This is how I am experiencing this eclipse, not as a prediction, but as a lived reality.
Lavender and Auralite 23. The Presence of Purple
Lavender. Auralite 23. Both here. Both purple.
The color of attunement, wisdom, and expansion. The bridge between earth and sky, body and spirit.
Both arrived unbidden.
Lavender in the morning, through scent.
Auralite 23 in meditation, through vision.
One soft and grounding. One expansive and activating. Both whispering trust.
Pisces Surrender and Virgo Precision
This morning, I stepped outside to prune the lavender plants with Rolando. The moment the stems were cut, the scent surrounded me, delicate yet powerful, intoxicating yet calming.
I stopped. I breathed it in.
Something shifted instantly. A softness. A deep sense of calm.
Two days ago, unexpected bloodwork results arrived. Some numbers weren’t where I expected them to be.
The mind wanted to take over. But then there was lavender.
A bridge between body, mind, and spirit.
Clarifying yet softening. Protective yet expansive.
The wisdom of the ancient heart. The embrace of my ancestors.
It arrived as if to whisper, You don’t have to brace against this. You don’t have to fight it. Just be with it.
I took another breath and let it in.
Minutes later, Sage, our 18-month-old daughter, walked onto our pool cover.
For a second, my body tensed. My heart held its breath.
But I didn’t rush. I didn’t react.
Instead, I held space with deep trust.
Rolando called her back. His voice steady, calm, reassuring. Step by step, she followed.
And just like that, she was safe.
The moment mirrored everything I had been feeling. Pisces surrender meeting Virgo precision.
This is how I am moving.
Not by clinging.
Not by forcing.
By meeting each moment as it comes. By trusting the next step will be there.
Fascia Bodywork. Preparing My Vessel for What’s Ahead
Later, I arrived at my fascia bodywork session with Heather.
The tension from the morning was still there, held in my body, in places I didn’t even realize had contracted.
Heather’s presence softened me in ways I wasn’t expecting. As she worked, I could feel my body releasing what my mind had been holding onto.
With each release, I felt myself creating space.
To receive.
To integrate.
To embody.
Virgo reminds us that spiritual integration is not just about the mind. It is about the body, the vessel that carries us.
A Memory Held in Water
When I was 11, I nearly drowned in a natural pool in the Dominican Republic.
I remember the weight of the water, the pull of the current, the moment I lost control.
I trusted it to hold me, until I learned that trust alone is not enough.
Water has always been with me, mostly in beautiful ways. But every now and then, it reminds me.
Not to fear.
Not to fight.
But to move with it. To respect what is greater than me.
Pisces is the ocean. Virgo is the vessel.
We are learning to navigate both.
An Evening of Presence
By evening, the day had softened.
We went out for dinner at Bahama Breeze, where laughter filled our table.
We played, imagined, and spoke aloud the futures we could feel forming.
We sang Happy Birthday to John for the fifth time, even though his solar return was two weeks ago.
I ordered the famous pineapple butter cake for all of us, but I ate almost half.
Later, at the art store, I walked past shelves filled with tools for creation.
Years ago, I would have been here searching, materials in hand, blueprint in mind, building what I thought my future would be.
For a moment, I saw the path I almost took.
Then Rolando spoke.
I looked at him. At the kids. At our life. And I smiled.
I have never stopped creating.
I just chose love as the foundation.
Auralite-23. The Crystal Carrying Me Through the Pisces-Virgo Cycle
Last month, during meditation, Auralite-23 made itself known.
It is not just a crystal. It is a guide through this entire Pisces-Virgo nodal cycle, until July 2026.
Auralite-23 is known for stimulating cellular rejuvenation and regeneration, protecting the emotional body, helping release unhealthy emotional patterns, and awakening new consciousness, accelerating spiritual evolution.
Like lavender, it is purple.
Like lavender, it found me.
Virgo refines.
Pisces expands.
Auralite 23 harmonizes.
Heart Tuning. Inspired by A Love Out of This World
Heart Tuning is not about deep focus or clearing the mind.
It is a micro-experience inspired by a longer guided Spanish meditation, A Love Out of This World.
A way to bring the infinite into the present.
A way to return to love as a state of being.
A simple practice.
Slow down.
Look up.
Take it all in.
This is how I attune. At the dinner table. Watching my kids play. In my work. In every heartbeat of presence.
What Love is Asking Us to See
March is not happening to us. It is happening with us.
How is this moment moving through you?
What has been calling to you, through scent, through memory, through subtle knowing?
Where is love revealing itself to you?
How are you choosing to meet this moment?
Love your inside about what's going on in the cosmos and of course, all around us and within us because we are all one
I always feel the changes. I may not say what they are because I don't have the knowledge that you have with it, but after an acupuncture appointment a couple weeks ago, I was drawn to the store next-door and they have all kinds of crystals and stuff. it's where I bought my Palo Santo , which I need from time to time it is totally grounding and works with the very first spray, but I was drawn to the stone is called Malachite? And it just drew me to it and then I read about it and the part about being a warrior in the part about protection and as I touched it, tears flowed down my eyes. I was told my moon is in Pisces and I'm a Virgo August 25. So as I learned about these things that I've been feeling since I woke up in this body at age 9, I'm learning a lot more and why I feel what I feel and reading your article has really shed the light on a lot of things.
I feel the shifts immensely I never knew what it was until a few years ago when I met someone that actually did astrology in numerology and it's helped and then learning I was highly sensitive and also an empath. It answered a lot of questions so I can totally relate.
Water- this might sound weird, but I feel like I can breathe underwater I've dreamt about it and it was very calming. I've never actually tried it but there's something about water that I'm so drawn to and it may be because my moon is in Pisces at least that's what I've been told but the oven flow the vibration, the frequency of it even with storms I love to go stand out in thunderstorms and feel the energy. It actually calms me that may sound strange to other people because some people get nervous when thunderstorms come, especially in Florida. They're pretty strong, but it's calming to me and I absolutely enjoy it and I think it's something that you could probably understand that most would not.
Lavender is one of my favorite plants and my favorite oils and I diffuse it use it typically and actually take it internally daily. It's very calming and grounding for me but yet can have some uplifting but not like nervous energy. I love it.
Thank you so much for your insight and explaining this I'm sure it helps a lot of people and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I'm getting to know more about what you write about and I'm very interested in reading more so thank you thank you thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Love your inside about what's going on in the cosmos and of course, all around us and within us because we are all one
I always feel the changes. I may not say what they are because I don't have the knowledge that you have with it, but after an acupuncture appointment a couple weeks ago, I was drawn to the store next-door and they have all kinds of crystals and stuff. it's where I bought my Palo Santo , which I need from time to time it is totally grounding and works with the very first spray, but I was drawn to the stone is called Malachite? And it just drew me to it and then I read about it and the part about being a warrior in the part about protection and as I touched it, tears flowed down my eyes. I was told my moon is in Pisces and I'm a Virgo August 25. So as I learned about these things that I've been feeling since I woke up in this body at age 9, I'm learning a lot more and why I feel what I feel and reading your article has really shed the light on a lot of things.
I feel the shifts immensely I never knew what it was until a few years ago when I met someone that actually did astrology in numerology and it's helped and then learning I was highly sensitive and also an empath. It answered a lot of questions so I can totally relate.
Water- this might sound weird, but I feel like I can breathe underwater I've dreamt about it and it was very calming. I've never actually tried it but there's something about water that I'm so drawn to and it may be because my moon is in Pisces at least that's what I've been told but the oven flow the vibration, the frequency of it even with storms I love to go stand out in thunderstorms and feel the energy. It actually calms me that may sound strange to other people because some people get nervous when thunderstorms come, especially in Florida. They're pretty strong, but it's calming to me and I absolutely enjoy it and I think it's something that you could probably understand that most would not.
Lavender is one of my favorite plants and my favorite oils and I diffuse it use it typically and actually take it internally daily. It's very calming and grounding for me but yet can have some uplifting but not like nervous energy. I love it.
Thank you so much for your insight and explaining this I'm sure it helps a lot of people and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I'm getting to know more about what you write about and I'm very interested in reading more so thank you thank you thank you 🙏🙏🙏
I love how your post made me feel. It connected me to my inner calm and knowing. A really great way to start my week, and the month of March 🙌